Articles and Chapters

William Minozzi, Ryan Kennedy, Kevin M. Esterling, Michael A. Neblo, Ryan Jewell. American Journal of Political Science (2024) 


Abigail Kielty, Amy Lee, Michael A. Neblo. Digital Government: Research and Practice (2022) 


Kevin M Esterling, William Minozzi, Michael A Neblo. Political Research Quarterly (2022) 


Abigail Kielty, Amy Lee, Michael A. Neblo. (2022) 


Ryan Kennedy, Anand E Sokhey, Claire Abernathy, Kevin M Esterling, David MJ Lazer, Amy Lee, William Minozzi, Michael A Neblo. Political Studies 


Jon Green, Jonathon Kingzette, Michael Neblo. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making, Edited by David P. Redlawsk (2021) 


Kevin M Esterling, Michael Neblo, David Lazer. Brookings (2020) 


Claire Abernathy, Kevin M Esterling, Justin Freebourn, Ryan Kennedy, William Minozzi, Michael A Neblo, Jonathan A Solis. Legislative Studies Quarterly (2019) 


David Lazer, Anand E Sokhey, Michael A Neblo, Kevin M Esterling, Ryan Kennedy. Political Communication (2015) 


William Minozzi, Michael A Neblo, Kevin M Esterling, David MJ Lazer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2015) 


Michael A Neblo, Kevin M Esterling, David Lazer, William Minozzi. APSA 2012 Annual Meeting Paper (2012) 


Michael Neblo, David Siegel Siegel, William Minozzi. APSA 2012 Annual Meeting Paper (2012) 


Michael Neblo, David Siegel Siegel, William Minozzi. Connecting democracy: Online consultation and the flow of political communication (2012) 


David Lazer, Ines Mergel, Curtis Ziniel, Kevin M Esterling, Michael A Neblo. International Public Management Journal (2011) 


Kevin M Esterling, Michael A Neblo, David MJ Lazer. Public opinion quarterly (2011) 


Michael A Neblo, Kevin M Esterling, Ryan P Kennedy, David MJ Lazer, Anand E Sokhey. American Political Science Review (2010)