The Institute for Democratic Engagement and Accountability (IDEA) actively works with academics, non-profits, businesses, government agencies, and other organizations whose goals align with our mission of engaging citizens, building communities, and informing leaders. If you or your organization is interested in partnering with us, please send an email to
Our work at IDEA would not be possible without the generous support and collaboration with our partners and supporters listed below.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) promotes the progress of science by investing in research to expand knowledge in science, engineering and education.

American University’s Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies (CCPS) serves scholars, students, policymakers and the public by propelling actionable research, providing public education and promoting a more reasonable democratic square.

The Apolitical Foundation helps build 21st-century governments that work for people and the planet. Apolitical was founded by mission-driven entrepreneurs and backed by impact investors in Europe, North America, Asia, Africa, and Australasia and supported by an EU Horizon 2020 grant.

The Berggruen Institute is an independent think and action tank with the autonomy to step outside the usual lanes, reaching beyond academic disciplines to bridge social divides, partisan dispositions, and cultural boundaries. This cross-fertilization, joined with a unique capacity to connect and convene a diverse global network of relationships, gives the Institute the ability to spread actionable ideas and influence events.

The Brennan Center for Justice is an independent, nonpartisan law and policy organization that works to reform, revitalize, and when necessary, defend our country’s systems of democracy and justice.

The Civic Engagement Research Group (CERG), at the University of California, Riverside conducts research, develops resources, and engages in education reform efforts that promote equitable, informed, and effective youth civic and political participation.

Democracy Fund is a foundation working to build an inclusive, multiracial democracy that is open, just, resilient, and trustworthy. They collaborates with grantees, donors, and other partners to change America’s flawed system by strengthening and expanding the pro-democracy movement, defending against anti-democratic attacks, and advancing structural change.

The European Parliamentary Liaison Office (Washington DC) works to strengthen US and EU parliamentary ties, the EPLO maintains strong working relationships with US-based universities, think tanks, NGOs, business organisations and the press. It provides these partners with a point of reference for following developments in the European Union, most particularly from the perspective of the European Parliament. It is a service of the Parliamentary Democracy Partnerships Directorate-General of the European parliament.

FIDE - North America is dedicated to advancing a democratic culture that is inclusive and responsive, holds government accountable in between elections and brings a diversity of voices to the table. They work on strengthening the deliberative community, advocating and raising awareness, providing technical guidance, building deliberative capacity, and developing best practices through a rigorous learning agenda.

ifok has been shaping change processes in business, politics and society in Germany since 1995. ifok utilizes new tools and processes in strategic policy advice, campaigning, stakeholder engagement, citizen participation, mediation, and cross-sector collaboration.

The National Civic League is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that advances civic engagement to create equitable, thriving communities. They achieve this by inspiring, supporting and recognizing inclusive approaches to community decision-making.

The Open Society Foundations champion the search for bold, democratic solutions to our urgent, common challenges that advance justice, equity, and human dignity. They do this by supporting a wide array of independent voices and organizations around the world that provide a creative and dynamic link between the governing and the governed.

Prytaneum is a new, open source online town hall platform that meets the requirements identified in the extensive Connecting to Congress research, and creates a setting for a many-participant, interactive event that lends itself to collaborative, constructive exchanges between government officials and constituents.

The Laboratory for Technology, Communication and Democracy (TeCD-Lab) at the University of California, Riverside designs and develops communication technology that makes democracy more robust, responsive and resilient. Their mission is to solve the problem of communication at the scale of modern democracy by developing technology that can give individuals a direct voice in policy making, and elected officials insights into the considered opinions of their constituents.

The US Agency for International Aid (USAID) leads international development and humanitarian efforts to save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance and help people progress beyond assistance.